Labratory for radioactive Isotopes (LARI)

The Laboratory is a facility of the department of forest botany and tree physiology at the University of Göttingen. It allows
users to work with radioactive material under the handling permission for radioactive material.
Legal regulations regarding
the handling of radioisotopes are observed by the LARI. The LARI offers as a service the measurement of samples for radioactivity.
Thereby support is given by LARI staff with measurement instruments with radioactive sources and for radioactive substances.
Further duties are the development of new methods for the application of radioisotopes as well as the development of environmental
friendly replacement methods.
The LARI with its staff are accredited as authorized experts under § 66 in Niedersachsen.
LARI conducts courses on the handling of radioisotopes. Staff participate in the technical instruction training of radiation
protection at the University of Göttingen.
The LARI has laboratory rooms and a measurement room in building Büsgenweg 2 as
well as laboratory space for plant cultivation and fumigation at Burckhardtweg 2.
The rooms at Büsgenweg have been refurbished
in 2002 and are in excellent condition, the rooms at Burckhardtweg 2 were refurbished in 2005. All rooms are part of a handling
permit for open source radioactive material from 2007. They conform to the current requirements in these area.
The Handling
Permit is not nuclide specific and allows handling of all radioactive materials within the threshold of Aktivitätsklasse SK2,
furthermore the permission is not time limited.
The total area of the Laboratories and measurement rooms inclusive of the
airlock system are 336,05 m².
Address: Büsgenweg 2
37077 Göttingen
To website
37077 Göttingen
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Host Institution
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Wilhelmsplatz 1
37073 Göttingen
Wilhelmsplatz 1
37073 Göttingen
Scientific Domain
Primary Subjects:
- Biology
- Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Veterinary Medicine
Secondary Subjects:
- Medicine
- Geosciences (including Geography)
Analytical Facilities
Scientific Services
-Provision of laboratory work places to handle open radioactive substance for departments within the
university and outside
of the university. Accountability of all radiation protection services (applications,
Person dosimetry and waste disposal,
contamination controls, record keeping).
- Radioactivity determination of samples, as well as the evaluation of the results.
Quality control of the
measuring instrumentation by participation of ring comparison analyses. Evaluation of existing testing
methods, development of new methods.
- Training in handling isotopes as well as in radiation protection; Technical instruction
- Cooperation on research projects and applications for own projects in collaboration with other facilities and
Scientific Equipment
- 3 gamma spectrometer
- 3 Liqiud Scintillation Spectrometers
- 1 Phosphor Imager
- 5 climate chambers for the use with radioactive materials
- 1 climate chamber for the use with radioactive gas
- 6 working places in the radioactive lab
- Sample preparation for low-level environmental analysis
- Sample preparation for H-3 and C-14 in solids
- radio nuclides
- isotope analytics
- Gamma-spectroscopy
- Beta-spectroscopy
- radiation protection
- emission monitoring
- environmental Analysis
- radiography
- Metabolism - Physiology
- Radiation protection experts
- Radiation protection training
- molecular Biology
- soil erosion
- composting
- Activity determination of radioactive waste
Users per annum
Internal Users: 35
External Users in total: 13
External Users: 11
External Users in the EU: 2
External Users outside of EU: 0