UdS Fedora Commons Repository (UdSFedora)

Welcome to Fedora Commons Repository of the Saarland University (UdS) CLARIN-D centre.
In collaboration with other centres
in the CLARIN-D consortium, the UdS CLARIN-D centre enables eHumanities by providing a service for hosting and processing
language resources (notably corpora) for members of the research community.
The UdS CLARIN-D centre thus contributes to the
overall CLARIN mission of lifting the fragmentation of language resources by assisting members of the research community in
preparing language materials in such a way that easy discovery is ensured, interchange is facilitated and preservation is
enabled by enriching such materials with meta-information, transforming them into sustainable formats and hosting them.
subsidiary commitment of the UdS CLARIN-D centre lies in promoting the education and training of young researchers. This includes
the organization of training events, gathering relevant educational materials and contributing to the development of higher
education curricula in the eHumanities.
We have an explicit mission to archive language resources especially multilingual
corpora (parallel, comparable) and corpora including specific registers, both collected by associated researchers as well
as researchers who are not affiliated with us.
We provide metadata of our centre's resources and tools in Dublin Core and
CMDI format.
The Virtual Language Observatory harvests our metadata and provides a faceted search interface for them.
host the GRUG Treebank (Georgian, Russian, Ukrainian, German parallel Treebank) on our Server.
Address: Campus A 2 2 Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken
To website
66041 Saarbrücken
To website
Host Institution
Universität des Saarlandes
Im Stadtwald
66123 Saarbrücken
Im Stadtwald
66123 Saarbrücken
Scientific Domain
Primary Subjects:
- Humanities
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
Secondary Subjects:
Research data repositories
Scientific Services
You can search the content of the UdS CLARIN-D centre repository using two interfaces.
The recommended search interface is
the facetted search provided by the Virtual Langauge Observatory (VLO). It provides a user-friendly interface to the resources.
It also provides search over a large number of repositories all over the world.
There is also a very succinct native Fedora
Commons search interface. It provides a facetted search over all metadata fields Fedora Commons maintains. To go to the resource
itself, you need another three mouse-clicks: Click on the link in the column labelled PID, Click then on "View the Datastreams
list for this Object", and finally on "view content" in the row labelled LINK.
As data user you agree to the Terms of Use
of the repository. Moreover, some contents can have restrictions regarding access and use that are stated in the CMDI metadata
and on the landing page of the respective resource.
Data Users must acknowledge and cite data sources properly in all publications
and outputs.
Scientific Equipment
- multilingual corpora
- psycholinguistics
- Negra corpus
- language resources
- social sciences
- syntactic annotation
CLARIN-D, for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Users per annum
Internal Users:
External Users in total:
External Users:
External Users in the EU:
External Users outside of EU: