Chemotion repository (Chemotion)

The chemotion repository is an initiative of the Prof. Stefan Bräse group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
(Institute of Organic Chemistry and Institute of Toxicology and Genetics).
The chemotion database is a collection of synthetic
compounds, their analytics and details that have been provided by single researchers. All information that is available can
be provided and shared with others via very easy upload protocols for structures, analytics or descriptive resources. Other
researchers and universities are invited to join and to use the repository.
All compounds and datasets can be published and
are automatically citable via DOI® and available on PubChem.
Examples for available datasets are: descriptions and primary
data of 1H NMR data, 13C NMR data, mass-, IR-, Raman-, UV-spectra and data, HPLC and GCMS results, crystal structures, TLC
information und pictures, identifiers.
Address: Hermann-von-Helmholtz Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
To website
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
To website
Host Institution
Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Scientific Domain
Primary Subjects:
- Chemistry
Secondary Subjects:
- Biology
- Materials Science and Engineering
Research data repositories
Scientific Services
The Chemotion Repository offers the opportunity to save scientific data electronically and to share them with others if the
researcher is willing to do so. It is possible to structure own work and to invite others to discuss about the results that
have been gained. The repository offers a very fast and easy process of sharing of information and it supports the collaboration
in interdisciplinary projects.
The project is a collection of analytical data that allows the comparison of results with
researchers that had these results before and offers this service without the need of commercial databases. The use of IT-solutions
that are available as Open Source contributes to an independent and comprehensive backup process with storage function and
allows the use of up to date research data. With the support of Chemotion, the researcher is able to ask for the basic data
of the desired compound without the use of further programs (as important chemistry IT-solutions have been implemented into
Chemotion). Additionally useful information is automatically available (e.g. listing in PubChem).
Via Chemotion, the researcher
gets a citable DOI in an very fast and automatic manner, independent of the institution he belongs to and independent of the
kind of chemistry reserach data he wants to get citable.
Scientific Equipment
- management of research data
- chromatography data
- analytics
- Descriptions
- Primary Data
- IT Infrastructure to store research data
- IT Infrastructure as Open Source
- Integrated databases
- DOI management/DOI name generation
Users per annum
Internal Users:
External Users in total: siehe oben
External Users:
External Users in the EU:
External Users outside of EU: