Biological and Medical Research Center; Genomics & Transcriptomics Laboratory (BMFZ-GTL)

The Genomics & Transcriptomics Laboratory (GTL) is operated by the Biological And Medical Research Center (BMFZ), a central
scientific facility of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. The GTL is available as a cooperation partner in the field
of nucleic acid analysis and also conducts independent research. The GTL can cooperate with internal and external academic
research groups and support them in genome and transcriptome analyses. For this purpose, the GTL uses various large-scale
instruments for the analysis of DNA and RNA (see listing of scientific instruments). Since 2010, the GTL has been working
with a quality management system. The certification according to DIN EN/ISO 9001:2015 (certificate registration no. 01 100
101390) is valid for RNA and DNA quality control (QC), Sanger sequencing, DNA fragment analysis and 'Next Generation Sequencing'
(NGS): 'short-read' and 'long-read' technologies, including single cell transcriptome analyses.
Address: Universitätsstr. 1; Geb. 22.07; Ebene U1
40225 Düsseldorf
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40225 Düsseldorf
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Host Institution
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHUD)
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (UKD)
Moorenstr. 5
40255 Düsseldorf
Moorenstr. 5
40255 Düsseldorf
Scientific Domain
Primary Subjects:
- Biology
- Medicine
Secondary Subjects:
Genomic, Transcriptomic, Proteomics and Metabolomics Facilities
Scientific Services
The GTL supports internal and external work groups designing sophisticated nucleic acid analyses. The GTL advises on the selection
of suitable methods and platforms for the analysis of DNA and RNA. For the analysis of DNA, a central sequencing service based
on Sanger sequencing is offered. In addition, subgenomic or genome-wide DNA analyses of simple and more complex samples are
carried out using high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies (NGS; Next Generation Sequencing). Global transcriptome analyses
are also carried out with the help of NGS-based RNA-Seq methods on short-read and long-read NGS sequencing platforms. The
GTL also offers 'single cell' transcriptome and 'spatial transcriptomics‘ analysis and 'optical mapping' analyses for the
detection of large structural variants. Since 2018, the GTL has been part of the West German Genome Center (WGGC) as an NGS
production site.
Scientific Equipment
- SeqStudio Flex Genetic Analyzer: Sanger Sequencer
- Illumina MiSeq: NGS short-read system
- Illumina NextSeq2000: NGS short-read system
- Revio and PacBio Sequel-2/2e: NGS long-read system
- ONT GridION and ONT PromethION: NGS long-read system
- Fragment Analyzer Systems (e.g. Femto Pulse): QC of HMW DNA/RNA
- 10X Genomics Chromium: Single cell analysis
- 10X Genomics Chromium iX: Single cell transkriptom analysis
- BD Rhapsody: Single cell transkriptom analysis
- Bionano Saphyr: Optical mapping
- Covaris M220: DNA shearing
- Pippin HT: DNA/RNA size selection
- Megaruptor 2/3: DNA/RNA fragmentation
- nucleic acid analysis
- Sanger sequencing service
- NGS short-read sequencing
- NGS long-read sequencing
- whole genome sequencing
- targeted (re-)sequencing
- small / mRNA-Seq and 3' expression analysis
- whole transcriptome sequencing
- PacBio HiFi/CCS sequencing
- ISO-Seq / Mas-Seq analysis
- 16S Microbiom analysis
- differential gene expression analysis
- single cell transcriptome analysis
- spatial transcriptomics analysis
- optical genome mapping analysis
NGS competence center - West German Genome Center (WGGC)
Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS)
Users per annum
Internal Users: 300
External Users in total: 32
External Users: 30
External Users in the EU: 2
External Users outside of EU: