
Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (WISO-FL) Save as PDFShow print view

The WiSo research laboratory provides - as a central service facility of the faculty - comprehensive services pertaining to planning, designing and implementation of experiments, surveys and basic research to faculty members and members of the Universität Hamburg as well as external researchers. The central aim is the sustainable creation and provision of professional research means that satisfy the highest scientific standards. The research laboratory includes an experimental econ-laboratory as well as a modern academic telephone laboratory. The experimental laboratory contains 30 booths for a pool of more than 5.000 student subjects. It is possible to expand the laboratory in such a way that up to 200 computer work stations in the faculty computer labs can be accessed simultaneously if need for large experimental sessions arises. All seats in the research laboratory are equipped with eye-tracking equipment that can be fully integrated in economic experiments. Additionally the laboratory contains equipment that monitors the heart rate of all experimental subjects.The survey laboratory has 30 VoIP-CATI seats (including predictive dialer) for teaching and faculty research purposes only. Furthermore, there is a mobile lab for field experiments, PAPI and CAPI surveys with 41 two-in-one tablet computers including professional technical and methodological support.
Address: Von-Melle-Park 5
20146  Hamburg
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  • Host Institution

Universität Hamburg
Mittelweg 177
20148  Hamburg
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (Universität Hamburg)
Von-Melle-Park 9
20146  Hamburg
  • Scientific Domain

Primary Subjects:
  • Social and Behavioural Sciences
Secondary Subjects:
  • Humanities
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering
  • Category

Analytical Facilities
  • Scientific Services

• WiSo-Experimental laboratory: Programming and consultation pertaining to economic experiments in ztree and otree, Software testing, participants’ pool and participants recruiting in hroot, management of experiments and lab assistants, declaration of ethical compliance, data privacy, -acquisition and -archiving, cost and payout processing. • Mobile economic in-the-field laboratory with 40 subject- and 1 server seats. • Programming and implementation of eyetracking measurements in economic experiments, centrally integrated heart rate measurements for up to 40 subjects at a time. • WiSo-Survey laboratory: Programming and consultation pertaining to CAPI surveys, full service: CAPI survey implementation, questionnaire development and consultation, sampling, pretests, field management, data collection, -cleaning and -archiving, 41 mobile 2-in-1 tablet computers. • Programming and consultation regarding web surveys (CAWI) and online experiments in Limesurvey, full service: Limesurvey server, project management, participants pool with Hamburg citizens; data backup and -archiving. • Programming and consultation of PAPI surveys and exams, full service: OCR scan and validation -stations for a fully automatically collection of large-scale paper surveys.
  • Scientific Equipment

  • Behavioral economics laboratory (#30)
  • Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses (#2)
  • Eye tracking devices (#30)
  • Heart rate monitoring (#40)
  • Mobile lab (field experiments/CAPI) (#41)
  • Participants management server&repository
  • Econ experiment servers
  • CAPI server
  • Online survey server
  • Software for digital exams
  • OCR-licensed station
  • Keywords

  • Research laboratory
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Economic experiments
  • Laboratory experiments
  • Field experiments
  • Eye tracking
  • Heart rate measurement
  • hroot
  • Polls/Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Representative general social survey
  • CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview)
  • CAWI (Computer-assisted web interview)
  • PAPI (Paper And Pencil Interview)
  • Networks

  • Users per annum

Internal Users: Über 100 interne Forschende greifen jährlich auf einen Pool von über 5.000 studentischen Probanden zurück (Experimentallabor). Surveys werden jährlich mit über 10.000 Teilnehmenden durchgeführt (Umfragelabor).
External Users in total: 100
External Users: 50
External Users in the EU: 30
External Users outside of EU: 20
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